Following trends in the world, which are aimed at limiting human impact on the environment, we have included in our offer generator sets powered by vegetable oils and alternative fuels, also one produced from waste.
The necessity to take care of natural environment and depleting oil supplies stimulate the search for new and alternative sources of supply. The application of so-called biofuels is one of the solutions. A new trend
in research involves the use of streams of energy, which are currently regarded as waste or the use of energy contained in waste.
We offer generator sets powered by:
- vegetable oils
- fuels from depolymerisation of plastics
- pyrolysis oil obtained from processing of waste tyres
- hydrogen and other waste post-processing gases from chemical plants.
We are carring advanced implementation works on:
- powering generator sets by coke-oven gas
- the use of low-calorie synthesis gases, including wood gas.
From the current regulations point of view on waste management, implementation works for generator sets powered with fuels produced while processing plastic waste and tyres, excellently reflect waste to energy actions.
Appropriately carried processes of depolymerisation of polyolefin plastics and pyrolysis of rubber parts of tyres combined with the technology we have developed allow for energy-efficient use of such waste.
It should be emphasised that, as opposed to many other methods, in which simple combustion occurs, i.e. generation of heat, the use of generator sets allows for obtaining the most refined type of energy – electric
Solutions used in offered gas generator sets powered by alternative fuels allow for use of gases with methane number amounting to zero (hydrogen). This allows for an energy-efficient use of post-processing gases, which are usually combusted in industrial flares in an unproductive way.
While developing our generator sets powered by alternative fuels, we always aim at minimising operational costs and ensuring maximum reliability at the same time.
All generator sets, regardless of the type of the fuel used, can be offered with types of housings described for “traditional aggregates”. They can also be constructed as CHP generator sets in accordance with the description presented in the “Cogeneration” tab.
During the implementation of reaserch and development projects, we cooperate with the Cracow University of Technology, the Warsaw University of Technology,
research and development institutes and highly specialised engineering companies.
While developing unique products on a European or even global scale – owing to our involvement and sensitivity to our Clients’ needs – we keep Polish prices.
- 280 kWe power generator powered by animal fat during load tests
- A generating set adapted to be powered by hydrogen
- 3 x 500 kWe and 3 x 700 kWt CHP plant powered by rapeseed oil during the assembly process
- Fuel is obtained during depolymerisation from polyrthylene and polypropylene waste. We can ude it for powering adapted generating set