Over a year ago (in February 2015) a biogas cogeneration generator manufactured by Horus-Energia was put into exploitation in biogas plant in Kargowa-Klepsk (near Sulechow, Lubuskie voivodeship).
The cogeneration unit HE-KEC-999/510-MTG999-B was started up on 5.02.2014. Throughout the year it operated for 8480 hours, which results in 97% availability. It’s 6 percent higher that typically assumed.
Thanks to cogeneration set manufactured by Horus-Energia, the biogas plant achieved electrical output of 999 kW and heating output of 510 kW in the first year.
On the request of the owner, Ryszard Maj, we expanded the existing installation in March. The unit will be equipped with heat from exhaust gases recovery system. This will enable to further increase the heating output of the cogeneration unit, reaching 1042 kW.